Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Valentine's Day. Nicodemus and Vicenza, a timeless story love

Adapted from The Daily Calabria 11 .03.2003 (bp)
AMANTEA - The story of Nicodemus and Vicenza is one of those steeped in romance, passion and love.
Him, born Domenico Napoli, born 1887, native of Reggio Calabria (Cinquefrondi), limited after the second war in the Tyrrhenian city. She, Furgiuele Vicenza, 1890, a local girl who falls in love and decides to live his life with this man and his organ. Since you know they become inseparable. Nicodemus and Vicenza, Vicenza and Nicodemus. "Nicodemus forward, Vicenza arrieta.
Love unites them. Roam together playing and singing. Always ready, Nicodemus, do u galluzzu ", ie to mimic the cock crowed with" his accordion consumed. " And that, for them, is a source of livelihood. "He did not ask anything, but everyone had for him a coin or a piece of bread or a bowl of soup heated that consumed sitting on the doorstep." E 'written on the site of Nicodemus as "Amanteani in the World. "
The romance one day ends at Serra d'Aiello, in the first group of the structure of a family created by Don Giulio Sesti Osseo then the Institute would become Pope John XXIII. Both are switched off in 1968, after a few months of each other. Vicenza in May, Nicodemus in October.
The human story of two lovers was rediscovered by the artist lover Rosario Furgiuele for the 2003 Carnival opened a wagon theme. "A very poetic tribute to two characters of the past," a tribute to the street musician, his organ and his companion Vicenza, a tribute to a couple who was "in the memories and hearts of many amanteani have a few more years on his shoulders."
That year, the love story was very successful. He carried through the streets bulging with people with a wave of joy, popular music, representing, perhaps not realized, a moment of rediscovery of our history, habits, even the humble little stories of everyday life, the rediscovery of a couple who has wanted and that was very well loved by all, especially by children. Again, we are sure, Nicodemus and Vicenza, will return to wander the streets of Amantea to give a smile to children and who has the heart of a child.


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